5 Immediate Actions to Improve Sleep and Boost Productivity in Your Workforce adult sleep workplace


We are in the midst of a global sleep crisis. Insufficient sleep is prevalent across all age groups and is considered a public health epidemic that is often unrecognised, under-reported, and has high economic costs. The cause? The...

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Supporting Shift Workers: Employer Strategies for Better Sleep Health adult sleep insomnia poor quality sleep workplace
Why Employers Should Prioritise Employee Sleep
Investing in sleep health is not just a matter of well-being; it directly impacts workplace safety, productivity, and the overall success of the organisation. Sleep loss and sleep-related disorders...
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Shift Work: Prioritising Performance Amidst Changing Shifts adult sleep insomnia poor quality sleep therapy workplace

PART 3- In this final installment of Shift Work: The Ultimate Survival Guide, we explore strategies to help shift workers prioritise performance amidst changing shifts. For those with sleep-friendly rotas, high-stake roles, or enduring longer...

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Shift Work: Maintaining Daytime Function with Sporadic Shifts adult sleep insomnia poor quality sleep therapy workplace

PART 2 - For many shift workers, especially those with young families or caring commitments, it’s necessary to prioritise daytime function, especially if night shifts are sporadic or unpredictable. In Part 2 of Shift Work: The Ultimate...

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Shift Work Survival Guide: Essential Tips for Managing Sleep & Health adult sleep insomnia poor quality sleep therapy workplace

PART 1 - Juggling the unpredictable rhythms of shift work with daily life is no small feat. It frequently risks sleep deprivation and its subsequent toll on health. Even the toughest among us aren't immune to the wear and tear of inadequate...

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Poor Quality Sleep adult sleep poor quality sleep

Sleep is not merely a period of rest; it's a critical component of our overall wellbeing. Adequate, high-quality sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. When you consistently experience poor quality sleep, it can have far-reaching...

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) adult sleep insomnia therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a proven, evidence-based approach for tackling insomnia. It addresses the underlying causes of sleep disturbances by changing negative thought patterns and behaviours associated with sleep.


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Clock Change 31st March 2024 baby sleep

With the clocks springing forward or falling back, the biannual time change is upon us once again. This adjustment, while seemingly minor, can significantly impact our daily routines and, more importantly, our sleep patterns. Here is our...

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Jet Lag Survival Guide 2024: Why Proper Sleep Matters During Travel adult sleep honest review

Travel is exhilarating, but it can throw your sleep schedule into disarray. Whether you're flying for business or pleasure, adjusting to new time zones can be draining. This guide provides evidence-based tips for better sleep on both short and...

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Understanding Your School-Age Child and Teenager's Sleep Needs older children teens

In the journey of nurturing your child through their school and teen years, understanding their unique sleep needs is of fundamental importance. It's not just about how many hours they sleep, but the quality of their sleep, and whether they...

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Lights Out, Screens Off: Creating a Sleep-Friendly Home Environment teens

As the sun sets and the world quiets, a peaceful night's sleep beckons for most. However, for many school children and teens, drifting off into dreamland doesn't come easily. Importantly, the growth and development that occurs during...

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Guiding Stars: Parenting Older Kids Towards a Peaceful Bedtime older children teens

As the night draws in and stars begin to sprinkle the sky, parents across the globe face the nightly challenge of settling their children into a peaceful slumber. Bedtime can often feel like navigating a ship through a stormy sea, but it doesn't...

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